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来源:中国电力科技网 作者: 2007-11-12 15:36:27
生于一九五八年五月,硕士研究生,现任华电国际电力股份有限公司副总经理。白桦 先生一九七五年参加工作,在电力生产、经营管理等方面具有32年的工作经验。曾先后就职于济宁电厂、邹县电厂、莱城电厂、潍坊电厂等,此前任邹县发电厂厂长。

Bai Hua
Bai Hua, was born in May 1958. He got his Master’s Degree in college and now he is Deputy General Manager of Huadian International Power Incorporated Co., Ltd. Baihua began to work in 1975, and now he has 32 years of working experiences in electricity production, operation management etc. He has been successively worked in Jining Power Plant, Zouxian Power Plant,Laicheng Power Plant, Weifang Power Plant etc. He has just left off his post as the factory director of Zouxian Power Plant.
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